
Have you ever wondered if you might be the only Vineyard seminarian in your area? in your region? in the world!? You're not.

Seminary raises all kinds of questions: about the nature of God, the authority of scripture, the relationship between theology and practice… These questions are important; the fact that they are challenging and at times unsettling is by design. But, in the middle of wrestling with these questions, so often we find ourselves wanting a conversation with someone on the journey with us, someone who can help us connect the questions we're asking with the experiences of God we've had in worship, in prayer, and in community.

Friends and colleagues from other denominations and movements can be really helpful in this process; we learn so much from the diversity and breadth of the Body of Christ. And our local Vineyard communities are so important in the ways that they support us and shape us in the process of a seminary education.

VineyardSeminarians.org is a site maintained by the Society of Vineyard Scholars as a connection point for Vineyard seminarians and as a place to connect Vineyard seminary students to trans-local Vineyard resources for support in vocational discernment, spiritual formation, and academic advising.

For example, in the summer of 2011, we hosted a seminarians' summit at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, CT. It was a great time hearing from world-class scholars, engaging in worship and prayer and guided times of spiritual direction, and learning from one another. Other gatherings (national and regional) are in the works. Stay tuned.

Have a thought about how we as the Vineyard could better support our seminary students or those considering a seminary education? Shoot us an email at info@vineyardseminarians.org.

In the meantime, join us on Facebook; help us get this generation of developing Vineyard leaders connected.

(Looking for the 2012 Vineyard Seminarian Summit? Unfortunately, this summer's planned summit has been cancelled. Stay tuned for more info re: new opportunities we're planning for Vineyard seminarians to get support and to connect with one another.)